Sivappu vanabrammi, சிவப்பு வனபிரம்மி


Description: Live Healthy plant along with 5inches Diameter plastic pot plants height with pot is 1-3 feet Outdoor plant, keep it in semi sunlight, watering daily Tree grows upto 30 feet, it has lots of medicinal value
Packing style: Video link
Happy customers: Video link
Delivery Partners: India speed post, DTDC, Shree Maruti couriers, ST couriers, Bluedart

Availability: 10 in stock

SKU: Sivappu vanabrammi, சிவப்பு வனபிரம்மிPeperomia perciliata Category:

Common Name : Sivappu vanabrammi
Botanical Name : Peperomia perciliata
Tamil : Sivappu vanabrammi
சிவப்பு வனபிரம்மி

Medicinal Use :bark is used for treating Skin Problems. Its bark is rubbed on the affected area to cure Wounds and Ulcers. A decoction prepared from its bark is used for gargling to treat Oral Problems like Sore Throat. The Swelling of Liver can be treated by consuming an extract of Bauhinia Tomentosa.

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