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Buy Red Betel Vine, Marunthu vethalai, மருந்து வெத்தலை, Medicine piper betel, vetila, vetrilai, Red paan leaf-herbal Live plant online shopping for sale  × 1 350
Buy artemisia pallens, dhavanam, maalai davanam,மரிக்கொழுந்து, தவணம்-live plant online shopping for sale  × 1 550
Buy Dipterocarpus bourdillonii, kalpayin, kattu payin, charatanjili, karanjili-Herbal Live plant online shopping for sale  × 1 1950
Buy Randia dumetorum, catunaregam spinosa, madhukarai, kaarai, marakalam, மதுக்காரை-Live plant online shopping for sale  × 1 850
Buy Pisonia alba, nachukottai keerai, lachukottai, bhagga chura, lettuce tree live plant online shopping for sale  × 1 650
Buy Peimiratti stick-big stick, pei viratti kuchi, பேய் விரட்டி வேர், Demon distractor- 1 stick  × 1 750
Buy Celastrus orbiculatus, jyotishmati, asian bittersweet, asiatic bittersweet-Live plant online shopping for sale  × 1 1250
Buy Noni fruit plant, cheese fruit, morinda citrifolia, bid nun, noni pazham-live plant online shopping for sale  × 1 550
Buy plumeria acutifolia, kalli mantharai, கள்ளி மந்தாரை மரம்-Live plant online shopping for sale  × 1 750
Buy Jasminum multiflorum, pinjilam, kasthuri malligai, magarantha malligai, கஸ்தூரிமல்லிகை-Live plant online shopping for sale  × 1 850
Buy Tylophora indica, Antamool, Jangli-pikran, Jangli pikvam, Aadu muttada balli, Naccharuppan, Nanja murichaan, Verri pala, Kaka pala, Kukka pala, Telegapala, Poda pacchali, Vetti pala, Tellayadala, Tellavedivela, Neelatapiri, Mendi, Mulini, Mendisag, Inturudia, Banka, Antrapachaka, Vallippala-Live plant online shopping for sale  × 1 350
Buy Snake Bush, mullanangai, barleria lupulina-Live plant online shopping for sale  × 1 550
Buy Begonia-Wild, kattu Sangunarayana sanjeevi, காட்டு சங்குநாராயன சஞ்சீவி-Live plant online shopping for sale  × 1 750
Buy Indian Mugwort, masipathri, manjipatre, makkipoo, indian dhavanamu, dhavana, indian wormwood, artemisia indica plant live online shopping  × 1 350
Buy Needle Bush, azima tetracantha, mulsangan, sangankuppi, முள் சங்கன் -live plant online shopping for sale  × 1 475
Buy Sivappu vari kathazhai, red aloe-line, சிவப்பு வரிக்கத்தாழை-critically endangerous-Live plant online shopping for sale  × 1 999
Buy Ceylon Teak, cassine glauca, karuvali, kanneramaram, जमरासी Jamrasi, मलकाकनी Malkakni, Kondagaidh, ढेबरी Dhebri, నిరిజా Nirija, Noorijia, Bhutan-kusama-Live plant online shopping for sale  × 1 750
Buy Jothi pul, ஜோதிப்புல்-live plant online shopping for sale  × 1 950
Buy Acalypha fruiticosa, Birch leaved acalypha-Medicinal live plant online  × 1 450
Buy Hen's Nettle, Laportea interrupta, Hawai'i wood nettle, stinging nettle, perunkanchori, பெருங்காஞ்சொறி, बिछाता bichata-Live plant online shopping for sale  × 1 825
Buy Mahavilvam/Magavilvam-16 Leaves(original), மஹாவில்வம்-16 leaves, Limonia crenulata, naringi crenulata-Live plant online shopping for sale  × 1 5300
Buy Kariyat, Andrographis paniculata, nilavembu, nilabevu, nilavepu நிலவேம்பு-Live plant online shopping for sale  × 1 550
Buy Decalepis hamiltonii, Swallow root, sarasapalli, hamiltoni, mahaali, maagali, makli beru, Sariba Svetasariva,மாகாளி கிழங்கு, सरिबा श्वेतसारिव -live plant online shopping for sale  × 1 650
Buy panneer pushpam(Air layered-with fruit and flower), பன்னீர் மரம், பன்னீர் புஷ்பம், Beach gardenia, guettarda speciosa, paneeru leaf, thiruchendur viboothi leaf-Live plant online shopping for sale  × 1 1250
Buy Gurmar, gymnema sylvestre, sakkarai kolli, sugar killer, siru kurinjan, சிறுகுறிஞ்சான், गुरमर, madhunashini, मधुनाशिनी-Live plant online shopping for sale  × 1 450
Subtotal 23149
Total 23149

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