Wild sultan seed, naga sanjeevi, நாக சஞ்சீவி


Description: Live Healthy plant along with 5inches Diameter plastic pot plants height with pot is 1-3 feet Outdoor plant, keep it in semi sunlight, watering daily Tree grows upto 30 feet, it has lots of medicinal value
Packing style: Video link
Happy customers: Video link
Delivery Partners: India speed post, DTDC, Shree Maruti couriers, ST couriers, Bluedart

Availability: 9 in stock

SKU: Wild sultan seed, naga sanjeevi, நாக சஞ்சீவிBaliospermum monatum Category:

Common Name : Wild sultan seed
Botanical Name : Baliospermum monatum
Tamil : Nagadanti
Telugu: நாகதந்தி
Kannada : Kondu amathamu
Malayalam : nagamuthamu
Hindi : Naga sanjivi nagadantiNagadantiDanti
Medicinal Use :herb has been used in the traditional tamil medicine internally as tea or externally as compresses for treatment of disorders of the locomotor system, skin, liver and bile, kidneys and urinary tract, infections, rheumatism, and gout.

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